Cookiesat Monocle Search

Authentication cookies

We make use of session cookies to make it possible for you to log in to our service. These are cookies that allows the server to remember which user you are while you use the site. If you selected to be remembered when logging in, these are stored in your browser between sessions. If you didn't, they are automatically removed when you close your browser.


Monocle Search uses Cloudflare both as a content distribution network (CDN) and as a service to mitigate attacks (like denial of service attacks). As a result, all requests made to Monocle Search flow through the Cloudflare network which might result in Cloudflare specific session cookies being set.

For more information about the Cookies set by Cloudflare, please consult the following documentation:

No analytics or tracking cookies

Note that we, as specified in the privacy policy, track page visits, which is to say that we count how many times a specific page on our website is visited.

Typically a provider such as Google Analytics is used for this. Such tools can be quite intrusive and collect a wide range of information about you as a users of a website. We have opted not to do this. Instead we use a tool called Ackee. It does not rely on cookies for tracking, and is in fact incapable of remembering or tacking you across multiple visits to the same page. Furthermore this tool is self-hosted (that is to say it is hosted and run by DoNoHarm) and no data is shared with third-parties.

We do not collect information where we can help it.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at